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New Members

Blood Stain Church Membership


We would like to first say we are honored you want to join the family of God at Blood Stain Church. The moment you said yes to Jesus you became a member of his family, the Church or the Body of Christ. 


Your next step is to contact a leader or click the button I'm ready to let us know you are ready to join. 

Then, you will be signed up for our next membership class via zoom. Information will be sent via email or text.  


What will be discussed in New Members class

  • What does “church membership” mean at our church?

  • Why do we baptize in Jesus name 

  • Mission statement​

  • Vision statement

  • Scripture Revelation 19:13

  • What does our church believe

  • What type of lifestyle should we live as a Church member

  • What is the expectation of our church and members

  • The importance of spending intimate time with God in prayer, bible study, and reflection

  • What it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. 

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